
Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Thoughts from a Survivor: A Poem

Cancer, Chemo & Me

Please laugh with me
Cry with me
Talk to me
Share with me

Don’t avoid me
Or look the other way
I’m still me
Not something contagious

Reach out and touch me;
The gentle caress of
A friend’s soft hand
Is a healing touch.

Kind words and laughter
With a loved one
Brings a little bit of sunshine
On a rather dismal day

This is a sideways step in life
A wrong turn
A bump in the road
A little bit lost

I’ll be home again soon
But until again,
Don’t forget me
Or leave me out.

I’m still me
Your friend or sister
Your mother or cousin
Your wife and lover

Remember: Bald is Beautiful

Donna Viau

Liz's Note: Through the AWBC message board, I recently had the privilege to "meet" Donna whose poem I have reproduced above, with her kind permission. She's now a 5-year survivor whose wonderful words will, I am sure, touch your hearts as they touched mine. Thank you Donna for the chance to share this poem with the folks who read my blog.

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