
Thursday, May 13, 2004


Sunday's training walk is still on, but I may modify the route to suit the weather and my knee. So far, the knee is doing well, and I am remembering to take pain medicine to keep it from swelling and causing more pain.

Also, today my ribbon sale $$ and donation from Dad's cousins posted, so my total is now officially $1611. Yay! That leaves $189 left to raise, but I think I'll do that soon. =)

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

This One Is From Tom

Tom Aellis is walking all 6 Avon events this year. As far as we know, he's the first man to do it, and the only guy to do it this year. Here's his Letterman-style, Top-10 list of reasons for Guys to walk:

Top Ten reasons for a guy to walk!

10. Not one of the girls is going to ask you to do a thing around the house
9. We get to exercise, sight-see AND get the heck away from the house for a bit.
8. We can go out in public without having to shave.
7. We can sleep in a tent and play Army again.
6. We really don’t have to wait for a rest stop to “go”.
5. Brag that Brad Pitt has never walked forty miles.
4. Drink as much beer at the end and everyone understands.
3. No Lines at the showers
2. Stay in Wellness village and Sleep with over 2000 women in one night!
And the number one reason for a guy to walk in the Avon Foundation for Breast cancer Walk is:
1. Dudes, come on, we will no doubt be saving at least one life!

Thank you so much Tom!


OK, today I'm cheerful but a smidgen on the achy and injured side of things. . . I twisted my knee sometime within the last couple of weeks and then went and walked 13 miles on Sunday. I think I overdid it, but my knee only started to act up near the end of the walk.

I'm going to take it easy this week so I can walk on Sunday. . . this means I'm not at work today so I can rest my knee and take ibuprofen.

In other news, with the total of $61 I made selling ribbons and distributing information at the "Spring Fair" last week, a check I received from Dad's cousins and a donation that posted this morning, my fundraising total will soon be listed as $1611, leaving me with $189 left to raise and meet the minimum. . . that's the same amount as a hotel room for the night of October 1st would have been, using the special event rate.

I'm definitely getting closer and closer to the minimum. THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR SUPPORT! =)

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