
Friday, February 13, 2004


Things that I've accomplished this week include:

(1) Walking 10 miles and then getting to work on time on Monday. . . then hitting the gym.
(2) Attending a "Get-Started Session" and not getting lost.
(3) Getting my 2nd workout in even though I was REALLY tired.
(4) Raising $755 as of this morning!

Hooray for accomplishments!

Event countdown: 232 days

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

You Learn Something New. . .

For a dinosaur nut like me, learning that one of the first women "fossilists", Mary Anning, died from breast cancer is especially interesting.

I don't know if I'm more sensitive to it now that it's affecting my life with some immediacy, or if I'm unconsciously looking for it, but I continue to learn facts like these. . . and my reasons for Walking this year keep growing.

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Get Started!

I had a great time at the Avon Walk "Get Started" session today. . . plus, I got in some much-needed training walking, and a reminder why carrying a shoulder bag is not a good idea for training (uneven pressure on my back).

I also got more posters (bonus!) and a pin to put on my bag . . . and another that I'm gonna stick in my cube wall.

Things look like they're shaping up. . . and so am I! =)

Event Countdown: 235 days

Monday, February 09, 2004

Post-Walk Workout

When I got up this morning, I was only a little sore. . . in my shin area, so next time I have to find a shin-stretch. But other than that, I was just fine. =)

Of course, this being a workout day, I headed to the gym this afternoon. . . I think it helped work the kinks out of my shins, to tell the truth. Plus, I got my stretching in afterwards, so I won't be sore tomorrow, either.

That's doubly good, because I have a bunch of walking to do tomorrow - I've got that Avon 'Get Started' meeting tomorrow in NYC and walking is imperative. Cabs are EXPENSIVE!!!!

Oh, and another donation posted today, so I've broken the $500 mark. Hooray!

Sunday, February 08, 2004

Training Walk #1

Today I walked over the Brooklyn Bridge. I have never done that before.

I met with a group from the Avon Walk and we went on what is now my first training walk of the event. . . we figured we walked about 10 miles today.

Thank you to Sue, Robin, Tami, Arlene, Lori, Lola, Minna, Barbara, Morris, Chari and Julie for the chance to spend a wonderful Sunday afternoon out and about. =)


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