
Saturday, September 18, 2004

Weather Advisory and Apology

My training walk this morning was cancelled at the last minute due to the fact that at 7:30am, it was pouring rain and by 7:40am, I'd heard a clap of thunder.

The wind was the clincher for my decision to abort at 7:40am.

The walk tomorrow, September 19th, is STILL ON. You MUST RSVP to give me a preliminary headcount.

Friday, September 17, 2004

Training Walk Updates

Hello everybody!

Due to the way they were posted on the Avon Walk site, this weekend's back-to-back walks will meet in front of the Rutgers Student Center between 7:45 and 8:00am, not 8:00 and 8:15am.

Also, I've rearranged my schedule during the countdown week before the event. Please note that there will be NO WALK on Monday, 9/27, due to another commitment. If this changes, I will contact all RSVP's by e-mail.

The Schedule, as it stands now, is:

Saturday, 9/18 AND Sunday, 9/19 Meeting IN FRONT of the Rutgers Student Center, located at 126 College Avenue, New Brunswick, NJ 08901. Per the Avon site, we will MEET at 7:45am and LEAVE by 8:00am.

You do not have to attend both days, but if you have not yet done a back-to-back walk, please try to do this one with us.

Wear sunscreen, bug spray and something pink or your Avon shirt so I can pick you out easily. If it's raining, we're still walking, so bring your poncho.

I want to get at least 10 miles in on both days.

Weekday Evenings Meeting IN FRONT of the Rutgers Student Center, located at 126 College Avenue, New Brunswick, NJ 08901. We will meet at 5:15pm and leave by 5:30pm, no exceptions.

Please wear light-colored or reflective clothing, bug spray, sunscreen and bring a flashlight. Walks will take us on park paths and city streets and cover as much ground as we can before dusk.

Please RSVP by clicking the day/date combination(s) below if you intend on joining a walk:

Saturday, September 25th Meeting IN FRONT of the Rutgers Student Center, located at 126 College Avenue, New Brunswick, NJ 08901. Per the Avon site, we will MEET at 7:45am and LEAVE by 8:00am.

Wear sunscreen, bug spray and something pink or your Avon shirt so I can pick you out easily. If it's raining, we're still walking, so bring your poncho.

I'm hoping to get a shorter long walk in today, which means 5-7 miles. Then let your body rest to prevent injuries.

Hopefully, I'll see you all during the next two weeks!

Monday, September 13, 2004


Since they may not be posted to the Avon Walk website in time, I'm posting this week's walks here:

I'll be walking this week after work, so feel free to come join me!

Monday, September 13th (today): meeting at the Rutgers Student Center (RSC) between 5:15pm and 5:30pm. Please wear light-colored clothing & bug spary and bring a flashlight in case we mis-time ourselves and get caught in dusk. A flashlight helps cars "see" us. The route will loop us back to the RSC, and will follow an RU shuttle route through the 5th & 6th Wards of New Brunswick, so if you get tired, you may flag down the shuttle and take it back to campus.

Note: I will not be running walks tomorrow, Tuesday, Sept. 14th or Wednesday, Sept. 15th, as I have other obligations.

Thursday, September 16th: This is a two-for-the-price-of-one. I telecommute on Thursdays, so if you're up for an early morning walk (6:30 am), or a lunchtime walk, let me know. I'm planning to get out there twice.

The evening walk will meet between 5:15pm and 5:30pm in front of the RSC. Once again, wear light-colored clothing, bug spray & bring a flashlight. This route will be the through Highland Park to the Edison border route. . . which, according to my pedometer, was about 2 miles, but has HILLS.

Friday, September 17th: We'll meet between 5:15pm and 5:30pm in front of the RSC. Once again, wear light-colored clothing, bug spray & bring a flashlight. This route will be the through Highland Park to the Edison border route. . . which, according to my pedometer, was about 2 miles, but has HILLS.

Saturday, September 18th/Sunday, September 19th: Yes, that would be TWO days.

If you haven't done a back-to-back long route, PLEASE come out for this one. We meet BOTH DAYS at 8am in front of the RSC. I'm going to map out a route that will be between 10 and 11 miles both days. Saturday's route will take us through the RU campuses; Sunday's will probably go through Somerset. There will be hills. There will be parks. There will be city streets. And there will always be sidewalks. I will let you know if I have to cancel or postpone this walk, but I really do not want to do a back-to-back the weekend before the event. It's not good for the body.

Please look for more walks on the Avon Walk website and click the date(s) for each walk to RSVP.

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