
Monday, July 19, 2004

Sometimes We Find Hope in Unusual Places
I received my monthly e-mail newsletter from my Alumni Association this morning . . . and found it amazing that one of the featured Alumni is conducting research on breast cancer.
He's received grant monies to take his theory to practice and hopes to develop a new weapon in the fight against breast cancer.
Read more about it here.

Sunday, July 18, 2004

Countdown to October:
Wow. . . it's a little more than 2 months to go until the Event in October and I've managed to raise over $2000, walked at least 50 training miles, and found a bunch of inspiration, even while wearing nail tips that were too long.
It's halfway through July already and I feel as though I could do the 13 + 13 split even if the Event were next weekend. That confidence will bring me through the nastiness ahead in August, so I need to keep that as it gets hotter, stickier and more difficult to stay motivated.
The fact that the participant medical form was posted last week was my big "reality check". . . it's really happening, I'm really going to walk in October and I'm looking forward to a GREAT weekend.
I have a feeling that the "cheering stations" will be released soon. Please e-mail me if you would like to receive the list of cheering stations.

And once I get my August updates ready, they will be mailed out. Cross my heart. =)

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