
Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Today's Featured Site:

You may have noticed a list of links under "reading list" that have been updated with less frequency than I'd like.

Today's featured site is Men With Heart, a team of wonderful guys who come out to walk, crew, cheer, cry, shout and otherwise be *there* for all their women who've been touched by this disease.

I have heard wonderful stories from ladies who walked Boston, DC and Chicago this year about the MWH team's support and motivational will. . . and have "met" several of them through the Avon Walk Message Board.

I know all my guys are amazing, so if you know any amazing guys, please encourage them to visit the MWH website and get involved for you.

Many thanks go out to Mark from Team Peggy's Spirit for posting the site address and giving me permission to feature it on my blog. =) Way to go!

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