
Saturday, January 10, 2004

Today's Exercise in Training:

This morning I did 15 minutes of Yoga.

Yoga is often misunderstood because it combines elements of exercise and meditation. It requires total concentration and awareness of your body and mind, and how they interact. It also stretches tired and achy muscles, leaving you feeling invigorated and relaxed.

I've been trying, but not very hard, to make Yoga practice a regular part of my routine. I find all kinds of excuses not to do it, but the excuses I'm using are the reasons I really should make it a part of my routine.

I feel great today, even though my plans have had to change due to a household situation, because I did something that will bring me closer to my training goals.

Maybe this will be the motivation I need to make Yoga practice a part of my regular routine. I certainly hope so!

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